Friday, March 1, 2013

Talking Point Five (Hyperlinks) Michael Wesch

I chose to read the article From Knowledgeable to Knowledge-able: Learning in New Media Environments and think Wesch raises an important and widely debated topic about technology in the classroom and how it is affecting both teachers/professors and students. 
 Wesch says:
 "...this new media environment demonstrates to us that the idea of learning as acquiring information
is no longer a message we can afford to send to our students, and that we need to start redesigning
our learning environments to address, leverage, and harness the new media environment now
permeating our classrooms."

I found this really interesting blog? (I think it's a blog) Redesigning the 21st century classroom by a woman named Susan Murphy .  She is a writer, professional speaker, teacher and digital media specialist (to name a few of her many talents).  In her blog she talk about incorporating technology in her classroom and how she had to "re-design" her classroom to keep up with the 21st century.  She too talks about the "traditional classroom" style like Wesch does and believes that the rows facing an authority figure is not an effective teaching style.  She allows technology in her classroom and in fact even encourages her students to use it..She believes teachers/professors need to embrace this new advancement in teaching otherwise "we risk making ourselves obsolete."

Wesch is arguing that the reality of the 21st century is that we as students are digital learners.  Technology isn't foreign to us like it is to our professors and teachers, parents etc.  We see our laptops and iPads and smartphones as not only means for communications but also educational tools...we have the entire universe of knowledge right at our fingertips.  I found this YouTube video that I thought was really interesting and went along with Wesch's article.  A group of students K-12 made this video to argue the need for more technology in their schools!

I found these survey numbers, I thought I'd share them with you all (:

In Wesch's article he talks about how teachers/professors find that students are using technology in the wrong way.  They are sitting in class on Facebook or Twitter or other social media sites.  However, I feel that teachers/professors could actually social media sites to their advantage and I found this really awesome info-graphic that outlines how to do so!

A Teacher's Guide to Social Media

Who is suffering from this Knowledgeable vs. Knowledge-able dilemma?  The students or the teachers? 
 Or is it possibly both?

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